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Sujet n°2  -  Fermeture / Ouverture Saison
    -  par webmaster le 07/06/2008 @ 15:00

La fermeture de la sasison 2007-2008 sera le Samedi 28 Juin 2008.
L'ouverture de la saison 2008-2009 se fera le Mardi 09 Septembre 2008.

Réponse n° 41
    -  par GqyYimqFVyJA le 22/01/2013 @ 13:33

Oh Di, I have been thinking of you and how you would be felieng with Jade's anniversary. I have now just read your tribute and am sobbing at your loss of such a sweet beautiful girl.Time does help heal but sometimes it is know how long that time will be before you ever feel able to mention her name without the tears being at the back of your words. I still cant quite talk about Max and he has been gone 15months now. There will only be one Jade BUT at least you can see some of her special qualities in her grand-daughter, which I know is of some help to you.Thinking of you and much loveHeidi

Réponse n° 42
    -  par ogBIJpsezKwocZn le 22/01/2013 @ 13:46

Bonjour, ceci est un commentaire.Pour effecar un commentaire, vous avez juste e0 vous connecter et voir les commentaires poste9s. Le0, vous verrez une option pour l"e9diter ou le supprimer

Réponse n° 43
    -  par muSdMqLDuXK le 22/01/2013 @ 14:08

Short, sweet, to the point, FREE-exactly as informiaton should be!

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