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Note #1976  by jiliup348 28/03/2013 @ 07:30

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Note #1975  by habixkj532 28/03/2013 @ 07:26

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Note #1974  by uisoydfiuhs 28/03/2013 @ 07:25

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Note #1973  by zji370hhz 28/03/2013 @ 07:25

's Court this bank card to steal the case an open verdict, judgment depositors, the bank each bear half of the responsibility. Now appeal to the Luzhou Municipal Intermediate People's Court of first instance ruling, savers. Be taken 13 total of 3.8 million yuan Li Yong (a pseudonym), who lives in Luzhou Naxi District mazhen. In the early morning of May this year, on the night of 15 to 16 days, Li Yong drive to Guizhou, driving the process, found that their phones are ringing off the hook. As you are driving, his flawless view. Li Yong View the SMS discovered that, in the early morning of the 16th, his original bank debit card cash was extracted 13 pen, extracted a total of 3.8 million yuan in cash. Query, Li Yong own bank card 13 transactions, all of which occurred in Yibin Changning County,Postmortem after the man convicted of stabbing Pia, and this time, he has been in Guizhou,hogan. Then, Li Yong, the the Yibin County Mayor Public Security Bureau police. Yibin police raised the surveillance video taken from an ATM machine, the video shows the May 15 midnight to 16 am, the Yong debit card deposits by a masked man in Changning continuous removal of 13 pen. Withdrawal amount for a total of 12 pen, withdrawals of $ 2000 for a sum of 3000 yuan. The entire teller, spent a total fee of 406 yuan. In addition, monitoring, masked men, one card face blank of any text,グッチ バッグ, graphics card,hollister outlet. Subsequently, Li Yong, find banks,mulberry, hoping to solve this problem through consultations. After fruitless negotiations, Li Yong, a paper petition, the bank onto the dock. Require banks to pay all of the principal amount of the deposit was stolen and bank deposits of the same interest. Bank depositors court sentenced each bear half court dedicated on the bank, said Li Yong card cash was stolen at Yibin Changning, not the defendant's place of business. Yong-card money is taken away from his own, the banks should not be liable. At the same time, the bank also said savers to deal with their own bank card password negative obligation of confidentiality. Naxi District People's Court found that, based on available evidence, the suspects withdrawals from the others use a separate copy of the "Kelong Ka extract. The defendant as the issuing bank to accept debit card withdrawals illegal copying and simply deduct the corresponding amount from the plaintiff account this regard, the defendant can not be exhaustive to examine carefully the obligation, liable for breach of contract should fault behavior. Meanwhile, debit card withdrawals must enter the correct password to the plaintiff should bear the burden of proof on how leaked password. Accordingly, the court finds that the plaintiff failed to fulfill their responsibility of safekeeping password, password for others to know, should be held accountable. Eventually, the the Naxi District People's Court, the original defendant bank card was stolen, will each be responsible for 50% of the responsibility. Yesterday afternoon, Chengdu Chinese Commercial News reporters Yu Li and Yong Qude contact. Li Yong said that the first instance ruling, The Yong now to Luzhou Municipal Intermediate People's Court of appeal. Chengdu Chinese Commercial News reporters Zhang Bing and Yao Luzhou News Hotline: same court sentenced: Chengdu Qingyang District Court bank ATM machine does not recognize the authenticity of bank card bank lose it all, the Department of defects on the ATM machine, this security vulnerability and risk should banks. Sichuan Ms. Lee in 2008, apply for a bank card at a branch of a bank, Chengdu Branch. February 24 this year, the bank records show deposits on Ms. Lee card in an ATM machine in Beijing on the evening of February 24, 23:08 to 23 hours 20 minutes 8 pen to take now a total of 20,000 yuan,19-year-old woman parachute dropped from an altitude of 800 meters into the mora, 2 pen to transfer 50,000 yuan, 235 yuan and occurs fee. At that time, Ms. Lee body in Meishan. Qingyang District People's Court of First Instance that, bank ATM machine does not recognize the authenticity of bank cards, the Department of defects on the ATM machine function, this security vulnerabilities and technical risk should be borne by the bank. Judgment bank deposit losses of 70,235 yuan and interest compensation for Ms. Lee. After the verdicts,hollister, the defendant, a bank refused to accept the appeal to the Chengdu Intermediate People's Court. Chengdu Intermediate People's Court of second instance upheld the conviction. Chengdu Business Daily reporter Wangying accounted for how anti-Fankelongka 1 opened SMS alert service,グッチ 財布, attention to the movement of funds; 2 add password protection and keep the password; 3 credit card spending cards not leave the line of sight; 4 card to others to use; 5 found place brush immediately after the remote fraudulent proof "is not fraudulent site,ジョーダン,Germany the Hotel allows customers to show instead room fee,

Note #1972  by srcvwzu2209 28/03/2013 @ 07:24

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