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Note #1981  by wanwojcilc 28/03/2013 @ 07:33

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Note #1980  by jka98422df 28/03/2013 @ 07:33

's, due to natural gas explosion burns 6 accident to the family brought great misfortune. The accident investigation experts to restore and resolve of the accident, in fact, is a living case gave us a wake: Be sure to pay attention to the correct installation and maintenance of the home kitchen gas pipeline. Reassuring, in order to rescue the family, government, schools, students act also believe there will be more people to join! Chongqing Morning Post reported yesterday Fengjie 7 27 natural gas explosion, caused by a family of six people at home are severely injured, three of whom are still young girls. This tragic accident, how did it happen Everyone's attention, but also we can not be accurately restored --- six wounded have all been issued a notice in critical condition, where the the four pipes incision unable to speak, while it is possible to know the truth, and only six of them, even The only Long Yang industry was in the kitchen a man, his injuries heaviest. Yesterday participate in Fengjie 7 27 explosion accident investigation experts --- Chongqing University professor, Ph.D,mulberry outlet,The hawkers accused was beaten by urban management hemat., Gas Department main Ren Pengshi Nepal, explained to the Morning News reporter judgment of the Group of Experts on the accident, and try to restore the site --- three No stove private pull random access expert group at 7:00 on July 28, found Yeung Ka buy a new gas cooker in Fengjie Yang Yip dragon home, is three no product. "This is a very important issue, regular factory package installed, will not allow the user to access the gas pipe, buried a significant risk for the incident, but because the stove is three products, only their own installation The Phitsanulok Nepal. Site Yang gas pipeline is connected by two hoses, one hose is not long enough, and the middle is also connected with a hard plastic tube up, also use glue to bond, which is very dangerous practice, hard plastic tube connected, natural gas is entirely possible because of the connection leak out. "open windows off the air conditioner expert group found,mulberry, when the explosion occurred, Yang open air kitchen door open, so that the kitchen also points cool, but in order to the effect of the air conditioning, the windows closed the. Prior to the incident, there should be a lot of natural gas gathered in the room. Group survey found that the incident housing kitchen explosion traces kitchen explosion bring disaster to the living room; However, traces of burning in the living room, rather than an explosion. The Phitsanulok Nepal kitchen leak natural gas concentration is highest, Yang Ye Long in the kitchen, perhaps the point of the fire, perhaps just to open a certain kind of electrical switch, it caused a natural gas explosion, but the living room is in the subsequent flame spread in burning up, broken windows accelerate the spread of the flames --- air convection, a lot of combustible materials in the living room. Hurt themselves save Yang Ye Long, "was heard after the incident, Mr Yeung Ka inside someone shout 'you in the kitchen doing sub', also heard shouting into a flame, Yang who should be a self-help behavior, hoping to rescued Yang Ye Dragon and Fight fire Phitsanulok Nepal this case, the rescue is a conditioned reflex, but the people in the room may be underestimated the power of the flames, and soon to be high-temperature gas burns to the respiratory tract, living room inside that something was burning people The burning, pitted difficult,mulberry. On the afternoon of July 27, Fengjie county Materials Bureau of Pinghu Street Electrical Company dormitory came a loud crash, a family of six in critical condition. The accident investigation team concluded that the explosion is a gap exists between the natural gas pipeline with the air hose, gas leak triggered. Fact, usually hidden in the stove below Flanagan less than two meters air hose can easily be overlooked. Gas company officials said that the air hose normal use, should be at least two years of a change, but many families did not do this. The hoses Once aging cracking, gas will leak. Some families even for the tube interface handles extremely irregular,グッチ. It is understood that most of the residents of the home in the hose of a plastic material, an inattentive the thin hose will become "invisible mines. The reporter interviewed two good reputation in the market on the appliance brand marketing point, customer service said that the hose is not gas appliance supporting facilities, they will not provide, in principle, is not responsible for the installation. Households to install gas appliance, the engineers will help install the hose according to customers' requirements, but, the company will not be liable in the event of a security incident. Chongqing Gas Group will all users carry out regular home gas inspection activities, check out the hose, we will notify users rectification. If the user wishes to rekindle the Gro

Note #1979  by kfkilbf171 28/03/2013 @ 07:32

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Note #1978  by 35d 28/03/2013 @ 07:31

's Internet, the growing influence of online media,oakley, social responsibilities is growing network media to carry out the activities in "go turn change" with a more realistic aim,oakley. The central news sites want to carry out the activities as a long-term task and an important mission duties conscientiously implement the General Secretary Hu Jintao's "July" speech important expositions on the work of the Party's mass and the spirit of the instructions of the central leading comrades "go turn change", further intensify their work, go turn change activities continue to deepen,tory burch uk. The meeting stressed that to enhance their understanding and fully understand the importance of online media to carry out the activities in "go turn change" strengthen the leadership and initiative as more conscious action to promote the activities carry out. To continue to maintain the momentum and heat of the media coverage, both full reports Central Media and names editing, the reporter activities also concerned about the local media and the general editors and reporters of activities; both from the front-line, real-time coverage of short and pithy,abercrombie, lively, a comprehensive system reflect the activities summarized Commentary depth reports, online publicity both scale momentum,louboutin, attractive appealing. Should vigorously carry out grassroots-oriented, service the media coverage of the masses, effectively left the key layout and location grassroots, leaving the masses, multi-organization of the economy, people's livelihood,ray ban lunettes, culture is closely related with the life of the masses reported, more than the Internet to provide policy advice and information service recommended propaganda touching story of everyday people and mortal charity,abercrombie france, multi, multi-use user-friendly, lively language of the masses, to effectively implement the requirements of the masses and reflect the daily media coverage, change the grandiose online reported impetuous problem . Is necessary to strengthen the team building, make good use of the favorable opportunity to go turn change activities, and further strengthen the study and education,mulberry, regularly organize business training, and strive to cultivate a firm Marxism Journalism and mass viewpoint, political, business fine style of work the hard network editors and reporters team. To focus on the current long-term study and education, the months of research, media coverage, pre-service and in terms of job training,ray ban, evaluation, incentives, supervision and inspection to establish long-term mechanism to promote activities institutionalized standardized normalization,toms, so go turn change activities become the conscious action of the online media, Internet news and propaganda workers career to pursue. People, Xinhua, China's net international online,longchamp, China Daily, China Network Television,oakley lunettes, China Youth Network, China's economy, Chinese Taiwan, Tibet, China Network, Guangming, China National Radio,hollister, China News, China Youth Online and other central news websites mainly responsible persons under the primary representative of the editors and reporters,abercrombie france, as well as Beijing NMS Office attended the meeting and made a statement. Related articles: enhance mutual trust A reporter asked the Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation on tax law amendment draft development and growth of the whole process

Note #1977  by lcffvdk8752 28/03/2013 @ 07:30

http://www.borsalouisvuittonsadli.com,louis vuitton borseMinister for Interior Rehman Malik put a ban on entry of motorcycles, heavy vehicles and general public into the Red Zone, on 22nd November (Thursday) to ensure complete security on the occasion of concluding ceremony of D-8 Summit in Islamabad,louis vuitton napoli,Public holiday in Islamabad today.The minister also announced public holiday in Islamabad today (22 November) on the eve of D-8 Summit.The minister chaired a meeting in Islamabad to review law order and security situation of the capital and security arrangements made for Muharram-ul-Haram and D-8 Summit.The meeting was attended by the secretary interior,taschen longchamp,Public holiday in Islamabad today, secretary foreign affairs, chief commissioner,longchamp online shop, Islamabad, inspector general of police, Islamabad,longchamp shop, and DG (NCMC)."All schools, colleges and educational institutions (Public and Private) will remain close on November 22. Moeen Masood,Abercrombie & Fitch, SSP (Security) Mir Vais Niaz,longchamp taschen kaufen, all SPs, SDPOs and other police officials.The IGP directed all SDPOs and SHOs to ensure effective security at important routes and enhance vigilance at all entrance points of the city.Following IGP's direction, SSP (Traffic) Dr,louis vuitton outlet. Moeen Masood said that ITP has also devised comprehensive traffic plan for these important occasions. According to the plan of ITP for D-8 Summit and joint Parliament session to be held on 23 November,scarpe hogan, he informed that Red Zone will be restricted for general traffic. The traffic will be divert from Margalla Road Trail III,Abercrombie & Fitch Milano, Agha Khan Road,louis vuitton sito ufficiale, Ayub Chowk and Jinnah Avenue from Express Chowk,scarpe hogan prezzi. From the mid night of 21-22 November the entry of heavy traffic will be prohibited in Islamabad including all those heavy vehicles who have previously been permitted to enter in Islamabad will also be banned,hogan outlet.Finalising the traffic plan on directions from IGP Bani-Amin Khan,hogan italia outlet, SSP Traffic Dr,Abercrombie. Moeen Masood revealed that on 23 November Margalla Road from Trail III,louis vuitton portafogli, Agha Khan Road from Ayub Chowk,handtasche longchamp, Jinnah Avenue from Express Chowk and Fazal-e-Haq Road from Great Wall Chowk will be closed for general traffic,spaccio hogan. Likewise the traffic plying from G-6 to G-5 will be closed from Bazaar Chowk and the entry of traffic into Federal Lodges will be closed,abercrombie saldi. The general traffic will also be diverted from Dhokri Chowk,abercrombie 2013, Radio Pakistan Chowk, Bari Imam T Cross and Shams Picket.The SSP Traffic Islamabad added that on the eve of joint session only those vehicles having green and red stickers will be allowed to enter in the Red Zone. He said that the heavy traffic including vehicles having entry permits will not be allowed to enter in Islamabad after mid night 21-22 November,louis vuitton borse.The IGP while reviewing this plan said this traffic plan has been set in view of security situation in the country, therefore, the citizens are requested to used alternate routes during the joint session and to co-operate with the local police and traffic staff will be present at diversion point to guide the road users.For gatherings of Muharram-ul-Haram,longchamp taschen günstig, the IGP asked SSP (Traffic) that it should be ensured that parking lots to be far away from the processions with proper security arrangements there.The IGP also directed to depute vigilant police officials at important points including pickets in the Red Zone,longchamp. He also asked the police officers to brief their subordinates from time to time as how to ensure efficient security. He also asked to handover anti-riot kits to recruits during performance of various assignments and said that sluggish attitude in performance of duties will not be tolerated,Abercrombie outlet.As a part of security during Muharram-ul-Haram,taschen von longchamp,Public holiday in Islamabad today, he said that it should be ensured to make arrangements for thorough checking of participants of Majalis and processions using metal detectors,Abercrombie Milano. Strict vigilance should be maintained to ensure that security measures are in place by the police as well as peace committees, the IGP maintained.,http://www.itabercrombieonline.info/ Related articles: http://pharmagrenoble.free.fr/guestbk.php

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