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Note n142  par hnm6935ghq le 23/03/2013 @ 02:37

's Procuratorate,abercrombie shop. Until February of this year,The 18-year-old hostage with electric batons, stun crimi,air ジョーダン,Released from prison man rape girl the trial retracted t, under intervene in the Politics and Law Committee of Guangdong Province, the Guangdong Provincial People's Procuratorate agreed to their requests, independently commissioned the Forensic Science and Technology Institute of Forensic Center for an autopsy, concluded on April 19: William Lin Department of prolonged The special restriction postural deaths caused by respiratory dysfunction. According to the Guangdong Provincial Procuratorate to the merits of the Forensic Center materials reflect, Lin Lifeng in custody of his hands handcuffed, feet wearing leg irons. Its detention center custody process emotional irritability, kicking,abercrombie france, collide with his shoulder, chasing other detainees behavior after people with a nylon rope handcuffs on the body (back handcuffed) and shackled bundled so that it can not stood up and walk around,hollister outlet, but I'm still, rolling in bed. After the detainees with a sheet rolled into a rope-like, through the forest shackled tied,アバクロ,Two men robbed taxi 53 ax dead brother _ News, the two were side pulled the bed sheet rope under control forest feet,abercrombie, until it was found that the situation is abnormal and untying. Family members said the Public Security Bureau has proposed compounding the day before, on the phone in the prison in which the Director of the Guangdong Provincial People's Procuratorate Yang out of the second expert conclusions,abercrombie, Wuchuan City Public Security Bureau refused to accept the written application for re-identification. Yang said the case has caused Zuigao Jian concerned about Zuigao Jian requalification program has been launched,air jordan, there is no conclusion. According to William Lin provided to the families telephone recording, event processing, Wuchuan City Public Security Bureau deputy director Chen Kangjiang Lin's brother Linli Song said that the Public Security Bureau is willing to spend 15 million to resolve the matter,ナイキ ジョーダン, but did not mention the persons responsible for handling. The reporters call Chen Kangjiang inconvenience to say the matter,hollister, he said in a phone.

Note n141  par uatsydgaays le 23/03/2013 @ 02:34

's funeral expenses paid by Taishan help,hollister. Family members said the deceased has scars on February 23, heard the news rushed Taishan Li Yaping family read paragraph 3 video provided by the local public security bureau,hollister outlet, Li Yaping death process, and not raised too many questions, but not on their side, saying responsibility for the police said they did not agree. Li Yaping's nephew,バーバリー 財布, Mr,hollister outlet. Wang said yesterday that, as far as they know, before his uncle did not do push-ups habit, do push-ups to make them feel incomprehensible in the detention center,アバクロ. "Since death do push-ups, and why there will be scars on the corpse " Said Mr,hollister. Wang,バーバリー, Li Yaping the bodies have not cremated February 26 to see, they found the body of Li Yaping very visible injuries. Family members questioned the local police extended detention yesterday's interview, Mr. Wang told reporters: from their hometown in Hubei to Taishan things on their uncle's consultation with local lawyers,スパイク サッカー, from their lawyers at the understanding of the situation, the suspect in custody during investigation period shall not exceed two months, even if the case is complex, the expiration of the period can not be the end of the case can be extended to 1-2 months,ナイキ サッカー, but the maximum can not be more than seven months. While the deceased was detained in the detention center has been more than seven months, incident they find Detention Center, the interpretation of the detention center is due to the complexity of the case, not the end. It is understood that the deceased Li Yaping Chongyang County,hollister, Hubei Xiao Ling,abercrombie france, 42 years old,abercrombie shop, had 12 years to Taishan to work. Related articles: Students suspected roommate stole the dormitory mahjong The 17-year-old auto repair workers insert the gas pump Man dissatisfied with his wife to master the financial p

Note n140  par uytdf7n7a le 23/03/2013 @ 02:32

's hospital fault led to Liu couples a Fuyingyiyuan to court. Reporters today that the Beijing Second Intermediate People's Court of Final Appeal dismissed the appeal of both sides,louboutin pas cher, upheld the court to make Fuyingyiyuan Liu couples inspection fees, medical expenses, baby supplies fee and mental solatium total of 21 million yuan in compensation judgment,abercrombie outlet. April 22, 2009, Mr. Liu's wife pregnant 21 weeks ultrasound fetal four-chamber structure visible the heart cross structure no show ", it is recommended to go higher hospital fetal echocardiography. On May 12,hollister deutschland, Mr. Liu's wife to Fuyingyiyuan doing fetal echocardiography results showed fetal echocardiography roughly normal ". On August 25,abercrombie, Mr. Liu's wife caesarean section to a baby girl. On the same day, the baby girl was hospitalized due to the bruising four hours to a hospital,louboutin. On October 1, the baby girl died due to heart failure. In September 2010,hogan, Mr. Liu and his wife sued to the Court of First Instance said, due to Fuyingyiyuan ultrasound lead to congenital heart disease infants born thus death, the hospital should bear all civil liability, seeks compensation of more than 120 million. Fuyingyiyuan argued that the hospital clinic behavior is not at fault,oakley outlet, there is no causal relationship between infant death and hospital clinics behavior. The hospital is not the prenatal check to the hospital, and even prenatal diagnosis hospital for serious heart abnormalities diagnosis rate of only 40%. In addition, the alone time I checked it is impossible to detect cardiac malformations require multiple check referral can be seen. Mr. Liu couple's lawsuit has passed the limitation of actions,air jordan pas cher. By judicial fault identification,2-year-old boy climbed the 6th floor windowsill father s,abercrombie, Identification Center expert opinion believes that Fuyingyiyuan of the treatment process the echocardiography error diagnosis,hollister, not considering echocardiographic misdiagnosis rate, did not inform the review, followed up,louboutin, Fuyingyiyuan health care wrongs make Mr. Liu wife lost the right to choose; no causal relationship between the female death results Fuyingyiyuan medical fault behavior and Mr,hollister. Liu. The first instance court,The young mother chores of living the middle of the nigh, after hearing the judgment, Liu couples Fuyingyiyuan are dissatisfied,air jordan, appeal to the Intermediate People's Court. Second Intermediate People's Court after hearing that, according to the expert opinion of Justice, Fuyingyiyuan should give Liu couples full financial compensation and appropriate mental solatium. The court of first instance Fuyingyiyuan full compensation for Mr. Liu couples check fee daughter's medical expenses as well as baby supplies fee is not inappropriate,hogan outlet, at the discretion of the spirit of solatium amount with the specific circumstances of the case fit. The aging Fuyingyiyuan defense was not established. Liu couples advocate of neonatal death compensation and funeral expenses,Requirements of primary school children of migrant worke, death due to heart failure with between Fuyingyiyuan clinic behavior causal relationship does not exist, not support.

Note n139  par utasyudgyhi le 23/03/2013 @ 02:28

'clock on September 19th,hollister france, the parties LiangMou friends through microblogging in the online issue phone shot video Jiangmou impatient,ナイキ サッカー, and called "female police stormed beating. The Citie immediately caused the stir-fried,スパイク サッカー. Xiushui County Public Security Bureau was informed that the situation immediately organized Inspector departments to carry out the investigation,abercrombie shop, and was held at 10:00 on the 19th,hollister outlet, the views of the party committee for handling,バーバリー, decided to dismiss of household administration's reflected in the video Jiangmou be on duty at the scene police notice of criticism,hollister, at the same time to carry out education and rectification activities in the global household administration members,abercrombie, requires giving top priority to learn a lesson,バーバリー 財布, and effectively improve the level of service the masses,abercrombie. Yining police station responsible comrades told reporters Jiangmou for hire, not in preparing police,hollister. At present, the police station has arranged the police succeed Jiangmou,abercrombie. Related articles: said with this year's school enrollment Reporter Liang Jin the operations are in line with national laws

Note n138  par angai77nzi le 23/03/2013 @ 02:27

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