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Note n°152  par iua6tduytsg le 23/03/2013 @ 03:45

's parents,hollister outlet. Recently,abercrombie, Ningqiang County prosecutors approved suspects seats Ningqiang police arrested according to law. According to police, the 26-year-old suspect seats in a Village people of the Lueyang pick official Tingzhen waist. Was introduced in early 2010, seats a girl with Ningqiang County Temple Nanba Kang awareness,ナイキ サッカー, in September of the same year,hollister, the two married, seats and became a door-to-door in a son-in-law, one year after the birth of a female family enjoyable. However, the happiness did not last long, the couple often quarrel fight for some trivial trivia. Present seems, whenever a quarrel with his wife, parents will always stand to the daughter of one side, the couple relationship and are the father-in-law Tuo a mother-in Jiang Moumou instigation, then resentment. In the beginning of last year, the couple "civil war" is escalating,abercrombie, motionless on divorce,hollister. Seats in a tense relationship with the entire family, after the move out of the house,スパイク サッカー, had played a single life can not return home. In April last year, one the wife of President Kang bring the kids and parents, younger brother went to the Jiangsu wage. Seats of a lack of money, the house piled several hundred pounds of corn sold for living expenses. In mid-January of this year, Kang and parents came back from Jiangsu New Year corn found at home gone, the suspect is the seat of a steal sell out. The parents-to find a seat questioned,louboutin, and ask for money to sell corn, the two sides quarrel seats a idea of ​​revenge. 6:00 pm on January 18, seats one with a chain saw and a barrel of gasoline by Jiujin came to the wife's parents home, poured gasoline ignited in the main room and kitchen on the ground,abercrombie, after a neighbor found the Fight. I a and holding launched Chainsaw to catch up with the father-in-law Tuo a Tuo a hurried escape and alarm. Seats in a chase to go out, see-in-law Jiang Moumou standing on the street,hollister france, and he took the chain saw to catch up, Jiang Moumou seeing this fled to neighbor seats of a Zhuizhi house, saws toward Jiang Moumou body chaos Saw resulting Jiang Moumou jacket Saw rotten, left hand Saw hurt. The the the Ningqiang County Public Security Bureau Daan police station after receiving the alarm, rushed to the scene, captured the seat of a rental housing,hollister outlet. Jiang Moumou metacarpal fracture was identified,hollister. After the arrest, appearing in a pair of intentional arson, held saws wounding confessed to the crime. (Original title: door-law saw hurt the mother-in-law) Related articles: Suffering from depression girls live suicide had twice a The public mood is not good to buy 4 yuan lottery 5,000, Man drilling copilot robbery while owners such as traffi

Note n°151  par iosufdisjkf le 23/03/2013 @ 03:44

's face and threatened to "fast car". Tu Chien said he did not even care to be afraid, I saw not far from the bus ran under a few people, shouting "Do not drive,ãƒãƒ¼ãƒãƒªãƒ¼ 財布. Him more confident in their own judgment, "petite guy certainly offenders, I unplug the car keys." Tu Chien said. See taxi to completely put out the fire, and men are more urgent, from the hands of the knife Tu Chien closer, "hastened car, do not open I poke you." Yuehua Jian knife homeopathic stretched over, Tu dodge chin scratch, but his reaction faster, grabbed the blade and the knife-wielding man press down on the seat, grabbed the knife. Followed, who ran from the bus blocking the door,abercrombie, and with the knife-wielding man subdued and Tu Chien sent to the high-tech Road police station,hollister france. The knife-wielding man was handed over to the sixth brigade of the police bus stations. Before in the end what car quarrel afraid disadvantage first poke each other yesterday, the reporter saw Du Jian, his chin, left tiger's mouth at close to the band-aid. "The doctor said nothing, not deep wound, no stitches." Cooperate with the police investigation, Tu also like to know why thin man, before being subdued in the end what happened. Reporter saw, knife-wielding man hands full of blood, police Khao. He told reporters that he called the Song quality into a 25-year-old, from the well-being of workers to Xi'an. 211 Road on the bus and others dispute, stabbed each other before they ran down to take a taxi in the morning. Song quality into say, he is from the manhole Murakami car's to near Gaoxin Road,hollister, he was a man hit a bit,ã‚¢ãƒã‚¯ãƒ­, "I let him the package move about, can he say hit on hit the, say on stabbing you, also from bag and pulled out a knife and his knife is 30 cm long, bigger than mine. "had a fight after a few words, they were advised opened behind me, but also with a knife threatened me afraid of him attacked from behind me, I had no choice but to strike first. "So, he took out from his trouser pockets the night before to buy a fruit knife and striking the other," the first knife stabbed into his right abdomen, feeling seems to be quite deep, followed by I do not know stabbed did not poke on, anyway,hollister, in my mind in turmoil. "Why can smoothly run under the bus assailant knife to force the driver car door happened roughly, but in some detail and the Song quality into the argument with the police to understand to different. Stabbed people, why can smoothly ran under the bus, Song quality into reluctant to say much,hollister. The police, forcing the female bus driver, the driver opened the door with a knife. The parties to the 211 bus conductor said, the board was not very crowded. Older found that two passengers were a few minor quarrel, be persuaded to open everyone thought okay, one of them suddenly stabbed to each other, "I sell tickets in the front, and heard someone shout, looking back The man seated, hands clutching his chest and bleeding. Editor's Note, stabbed the young people went to the front with a knife forced the driver to open the door,louboutin. several passengers get off the chase did not react, the driver and quickly drove the the handlebar injured and sent to a high-tech hospital ran down the bus, Song qualitative achievements stopped Tu Chien taxi, he said, is going surrendered, did not take the initiative to attack on the taxi driver, the driver to get him The knife was only accidental injury. Gedu built but said he felt from the threat of the weapon. Accepted the case, said police bus stations Sixth Brigade chief Zhang Xinping assailant Song quality into due to fighting in a public place and causing harm to others, has XingJu, the detailed process of the event is also being further investigated. As for the wounded to carry the bag, possession controlled knives, he said: "If confirmed is really all he will be after the recovery of his body dealt with according to law." Knife abdomen knife chest injured about the terrible scene yesterday afternoon , the reporter found in high-tech hospitals injured Lu Shengli just finished surgery. For experienced early in the morning of the terrible scene, he is still a lingering fear. The flying Henghuo Lusheng Li chagrin of,hollister. He took a deep breath and slowly to reporters about the things roughly After. Lu Shengli, said after the high-tech one Station stood near the back door, the assailant Song quality into sitting on the seat and the back door is. Met him because my stuff to provoke such a disaster. "He paused to say, the beginning they were just arguing a few, and soon persuaded to open the other passengers of the car," I have no care was still standing next to the man,アディダス サッカー, who would have thought that after just less than a minute, he suddenly rose from his chair, pulled out a folding fruit knife from the back pocket of the pants, stabbed over towards me. "Lu Shengli total was stabbed twice,スパã‚

Note n°150  par hanxin5o4r le 23/03/2013 @ 03:34

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Note n°149  par gw9gc88916 le 23/03/2013 @ 03:14

's wheat harvest, and his sister-in-law secretly said to him, the flowers of the body is a little abnormal, is likely to be pregnant, to remind him to the hospital to give the child to check,abercrombie. He wanted to own girl is just 16 years old, not married, how to become pregnant. Although the children did not go to school because of mental retardation, is never such a thing happened. However, the B-hospital results confirmed that the flowers really pregnant, but has been more than four months. The questioning of the father, the flower thing about the part after a topsy-turvy. Flowers and told his father,hollister online shop, a 3 the village X a, Y a, Z off her pants. One day, she was at home,louboutin, the door stood X a greeting she went to the next door to a play to enter the yard, X is a take off her pants. "He gave me two five money put on the pants to the flowers also said three things happen when no one else present. The florets father is very angry, but think of the child is still small, not wash your dirty linen in public, to find the village cadres to coordinate want X a,hollister, Y a, Z a lose money, the child destroyed, the matter is even if taking. However, X, 3 per capita deny infringement over flowers,abercrombie, more reluctant to compensation,mulberry. In desperation,abercrombie france, the flower's father took his daughter to the the Hejian the Interpol brigade guocun Interpol squadron reported the matter. ■ police investigation could not find evidence mere allegations can be apprehended According to the person in charge of guocun Interpol squadron flowers father and daughter came to report they are legally flowers the victim was questioned, her intelligence, and Hebei Province Forensic Center made contact. On November 20 last year, police took flowers to Shijiazhuang judicial appraisal expert conclusions,hollister, the florets moderate mental retardation, the sexual defense capabilities seriously weakened. "In this conclusion, others with flowers having sex, regardless of florets whether voluntary, can be identified as rape. After receiving the report, police investigators had been interrogated three villagers alleged rape flowers, but flowers had infringed a X a, Y a, Z did not recognize. In order to identify the merits, the police and the perpetrators may leave traces of meticulous Find but because of the incident a long time,hollister, could not find any traces of evidence. Flowers are moderate mental retardation, can not be properly described the process of being bullied, her allegations alone, police can not take on the three suspects involved coercive measures. To this end, the police have put forward two other forensics approach: a first abortion, and then extract the fetal blood samples; directly extracted from the flower belly amniotic fluid, and then the DNA identification,air jordan pas cher. , However, be too much damage to the body of the flowers, as well as to get some financial compensation,hollister france, these two methods have been flowers family refused. In desperation, the police had to decide, etc. Blood samples were drawn after the birth of a child, with three suspects blood samples for DNA identification. ■ case progress birth to baby boy blood samples were sent to the Ministry of Public Security identification of this year, March 25, at 1 o'clock in the morning, the flowers in Hejian City People's Hospital successfully gave birth to a baby boy. After the birth of a child, flowers father immediately reported to guocun Interpol squadron. In the morning, police rushed to the hospital,mulberry outlet, the baby's blood samples extracted by forensic. Subsequently, this blood samples and blood samples of three villagers suspected of rape flowers together were sent to the Ministry of Public Security for DNA identification. Interview, the reporter learned that the the florets a poor economic situation, "I two daughters intelligence has its obstacles, the whole family to rely on I work to maintain, simply can not feed the newly born child." Flowers father said bitterly: "Furthermore, said children born to determine who will come to guilty. available other two raped flowers to people no sin really no way to grasp them " DNA identification of the outcome When the perpetrator can be punished by law The newspaper will be the case for follow-up reports. 相关的主题文章: difficulty breathing the specific cause is still under investigation. Huang Ping peak early to leave the caves. When walking

Note n°148  par sdfu72nee36 le 23/03/2013 @ 03:09

's license of the driver actually mustered the others to beat the traffic police, traffic police ribs interrupted. Yesterday, aroused strong impact in the community cases of violence, assaulting a police officer has been cracked, four suspects were arrested, police-oriented public suspects wanted last major benefits superior. The scene of the accident the traffic police said that at 1:09 on June 29,hollister online shop, the Daming Palace police station received a report said, the text of King Road postal central office near the entrance was interrupted ribs Xi'an Public Security young Branch Daming Palace police station, deputy director Li Fusheng assaulting a police officer, and the performance of official duties of the traffic police the Weiyang brigade police were wounded,louboutin pas cher. When the police rushed to the scene, the murderer has fled the scene, The traffic police Tian Kuangda left sixth rib was interrupted,hollister france, the mouth were wounded, nine needles after suture, the body multiple soft tissue contusion. The case raises the Xi'an Municipal Committee,The burning bodies face _ New two youths robbed and kill, secretary of the Politics and Law Committee Ding Jian,hollister, attaches great importance to accident license plate number and a site survey and registration of the traffic police, the police initially identified Criminal Suspects benefits superior,mulberry, Zhao Gang, phase weeks, Jun Han red case, after police multi efforts, on July 10 at 1 pm, the suspect relative Zhou and Han Jun, red Weiyang a footbath house and arrested the suspect on July 15 in the Weiyang Jiang star arrested July 17, 18 am Zhao Gang, strong pressure forced the suspects gave himself up to the Daming Palace police station. Public by the police looking for suspects benefits superior zero o'clock on the morning of June 29, the benefits superior driving a license plate number for the Shaanxi AGE271 Chery cars turn left from west to north, from the text of King Road Road west of an alley, with Congwen King Road, collided with a car coming from the north to the south,hollister, police rushed to the scene of the traffic police is young brigade incident handling the traffic police Tian Kuangda led the two agreed, surveying the finished site, in a routine inspection of the documents of the driver, Tian Quantm benefits superior found driving Shaanxi AGE271 No. vehicle without a driver's license can produce benefits called the driver's license has been credited to the full 12 points of the original nine brigade withheld. Inspection Tian Kuangda also the found the Shaanxi AGE271 number of vehicles driving license vice card (after about a vehicle is not the annual inspection). Shaanxi AGE271 left front wheel is damaged due to an accident, the vehicle can not be moved. In the the Tian Kuangda called drag vehicles to clean up the site,Commercial tenants would ask for 400 million relocation, the benefits superior with the car sitting in the same phase weeks, Han Jun,mulberry, red to see the vehicle to be towed away, called to help Zhao Gang,polo lacoste, Zhao Gang also known to own brother-in-law Chiang star with car to the scene,Shop was thrown into a three homemade incendiary burns (, hundreds of people blocked the traffic police trailer, Zhao Gang, kicked the traffic police Tian Kuangda kick benefits superior picked up from the roadside site of a 2-meter-long wooden sticks, and broke from the middle, and Zhao Gang took one of Tian Quantm beat, causing Tian Kuangda ribs to be interrupted, the body with multiple injuries. After completing the case, split up to escape. Zhao Gang, the suspect opened a car rental company, the benefits superior driving accident vehicle is leased vehicles. Zhao Gang after the incident, fled to the northern Shaanxi and other places,lacoste, after his arrest, Hui Chaoqun father is Weiyang a village village director, when he had been called in benefits to "help" wanted to curry favor with the benefits, but did not expect provoke a catastrophe. Now that I think is really not worth it, flee the process, he has been living in fear,mulberry outlet, also want to own family and only one year old child, gave himself the final choice in the companionship of his wife,air jordan pas cher. Yesterday, the police open social benefits superior, wanted this case the main suspect, I hope he can take the initiative to give themselves up,hollister, for leniency, while insiders actively provide clues Tel:.

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