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Note n°187  par rtir86dcz le 23/03/2013 @ 19:08

's eyes. Then, put down the needle and thread, picked up the keyboard typing 50 characters per minute. The average person, this is not what you do not know this is a feet do! November 25,hollister, Dongzhou District, Fushun City,abercrombie france, a communications shop, the reporter saw cerebral palsy hands lost function of persons with disabilities Cai ring and her eyes are as flexible as some others hands feet. Choi ring communications shop is located in the Dongzhou Harbour New Street. This is less than 10 square meters of shop, Cai ring skilled with both feet for the customer mobile prepaid recharge,abercrombie, mobile phones open card business. To receive customer cash to open the box to find to the other change, click open the computer web, toe skilled keyboard ...... a workflow down in just two minutes,louboutin pas cher. Customers come here to recharge said Cai ring is not easy,lacoste, so people living nearby, and are willing to come here. Community Chen Shuji said Cai ring opened this shop for 10 years, a good reputation. Cai ring, 39-year-old, born with cerebral palsy, his hands lost function. Cai ring aunt said Cai ring hand can not be used, but smart,louboutin, practice their own feet, little sister when she had learned to his sister tuck. Soon, Cai ring to school age, no matter how begging the parents, no school is willing to shelter. And other sister school, Cai ring sister textbook reading, writing feet exercises. Beginning,abercrombie deutschland, Cai ring in the learning process encountered a lot of difficulties, although you can write with your toes,abercrombie, but the written word is always rickety and very slow. See sister can write beautiful calligraphy, she studied hard, first leg exercise flexibility, then practice the flexibility of the toes, toes got cramps, torn skin, redness and swelling is a frequent phenomenon. Efforts Cai ring for several years as one day, Cai ring can not only use your feet to write beautiful words, and others things to do by hand, her feet the same can be done, even help mother wash clothes, sewing clothes housework. Cai ring father Caizhi Fan electronic accessories workers, often working with computers, and also operates a mobile communications shop. Cai ring think this work is suitable for them, she took part in the training of Fushun City CDPF organization. In 1995,mulberry, many people do not know what the computer when Cai ring can be used both feet skillfully operate a computer and began to help the father ran the store. For a time, know her story for her strong touched a lot of people, but also specifically to patronize Cai ring business. Cai Zhifan daughter proud at the same time, also saw hope. Caizhi Fan couples after their retirement,hollister, decided to put this shop to the daughter will name changed to the "Tung Chau Tsai ring communication. See on TV a man called Liu Wei plays the piano with your toes, Cai ring confidently say: "If you give me a chance to practice, I would certainly be doing well, I admire the most is a young man named Wang Jianhai addition to work, because he can foot repair very sophisticated watches. "Cai Central greatest interest is the Internet, the fastest one minute to play 70 words, one minute now play 50 words. She said that, because of physical reasons, can not walk far, I do not know what the outside world looks like, and her understanding of the world through the network. Cai ring also make a network across the country disabled friends,polo lacoste, we encourage each other. Cai ring QQ network called "sea research the QQ signature on the words," I would like to do the only bird of paradise ", said Cai ring signature meaning is to always remind myself that people's hearts and minds to be as broad as the sea,mulberry outlet. Mission Fushun chief correspondent Zhao Yongping Related articles: reporters call us on microblogging Posted by Mr. Ren including men and women 65-year-old Fu uncle

Note n°186  par tianlann6d le 23/03/2013 @ 17:45

's stock of land entrusted to the county's Land Bureau to conduct the auction, the ultimate success of competing in the parcel of natural persons Chengguan supply and marketing cooperatives, director of of Yanming the wife Yan Xiaofang,hollister deutschland. A time of public outcry,hollister, many employees questioned the auction is not open to the media reflects that, now county land prices, this auction is too low, there must be tricky. In this regard, the reporter investigating yesterday. 918 m2 of land 830,000 scored 21 pm,hollister, Government Land Reserve Center, deputy director of system levy Hanyin, 000 Chengguan supply and marketing cooperatives, the parcel auctioneer many employees questioned Rong Yao Chao told reporters that the case of land in Hanyin Chengguan supply family member courtyard behind the association, the land area of ​​918 square meters, the Chengguan Gongxiaolianshe commissioned transaction, and finally sold for $ 83 million,louboutin. "It was a total of four individuals participate in the auction, and live auction to Xi'an in a hurry to exit. Starting price of $ 70 million, bid a total of 13 times, each in increments of ten thousand yuan,louboutin pas cher." Rong Yao Chao said. Yan Xiaofang is commissioned by the wife of the party Chengguan supply and marketing director Yanming,mulberry, this does not affect the public auction, just as long as the natural person with no criminal record,hollister, domestic and foreign natural persons can auction. "According to one engaged in the real estate people say, the land prices in Hanyin is relatively low, now Hanyin commercial housing price of 3,abercrombie,500 yuan per square meter to estimate this piece to shoot hundreds of million is not a problem. Rong Yao Chao admits,louboutin pas cher, this piece of land relative to the the county south bank of the new district, the low price of a little,mulberry outlet. Quote signed two of the interview, the reporter found a "state-owned land use rights Hanyin listing to sell quotations on the need to fill out a quote units, the legal representative. Archival materials in such a formal auction,oakley, a signature "Yan Xiaofang, another was," Yan Xiaofang "Moreover,mulberry, the two signatures on the same day, is clearly not a man writing from writing. This, Hanyin Land Bureau office explained: "It was an oversight, slip of the pen." Commissioned Hanyin Land Bureau in Hanyin Chengguan supply and marketing cooperatives in the power of attorney of the land auction only 国土局局长 square derivatives given a signature, the other principal,hogan, the time, the official seal are blank. Masses auction announcement only announced one hour of doubt in the auction scene, Rong Yao Chao said that they posted seven county, and is to be published on the county government website. Three conditions to buy land allegedly set a high threshold to understand, participate in the auction,hollister deutschland, bidders must meet three requirements of the commissioning party and the signing of the agreement: one must be built in the land the building families with Hanyin Chengguan Gongxiaolianshe The hospital set up a property company, the employment of laid-off workers of the units. Second, with the commissioning party sharing of access to shared spaces. Third, to handle disputes after winning. This, Hanyin Chengguan supply and marketing cooperatives several workers claimed, "This is obviously to avoid more natural persons to participate in the auction in order to bid rigging and colluding in order to narrow the scope of the bidders, some local units and departments who said, My husband is the legal entity of the unit the wife auction to land plausible and legitimate public auction, back in the end there transactions and insider, people talk a lot. Related articles: they amputated my hand looked around racking body strength

Note n°185  par khflkjlhkyf le 23/03/2013 @ 17:18

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Note n°184  par dfja63jmqq le 23/03/2013 @ 15:27

's papers torn,abercrombie. Xia kicked desks out of the classroom, his mouth foul-mouthed, onyx busy cleaning up papers did not ignore. The scene took place at this time, so that the presence of the candidates are shocked: Xia suddenly burst into the classroom, and easily picked up the benches pound onyx, onyx instinctively recoiled, but Xia again hit over the bench ruthless relentlessly hit a stone's chin, the other students quickly Xia opened. Fan responsible person surnamed Xianning Medical School in charge of student work, confirmed the presence of students, the entire incident Onyx did not hands-on, has been calm and restraint; onyx collection fraud candidate papers to perform the examination rules, a manifestation of the correct test the wind,air jordan. Students wounded teacher regarding the school during the investigation and handling. Yesterday, the police station in Hot Springs fork in the road,hollister paris, I saw is to cooperate with the police investigation the Xia and their parents,hollister france, during the incident, they were reluctant to say more. I see in the inquiry transcripts,mulberry outlet, Xia statements consistent with the teachers and witnessed students said. It is reported that Li Xia Xianning Medical School 08 students this year, 17-year-old,mulberry, Onyx is not their classroom teachers, only according to the arrangement in the day served as proctor. According to the police, for further investigation and handling of the event. (Gaoyang leaf maple) Editor: cheating on exams,polo lacoste, have been wrong; injured examiner,hollister, it is a mistake on a wrong. Lack of candidates, not just professional knowledge; most needed cramming, it should be a life education classes. Exam fraud,hollister, sabotage is the examination fair, in violation of examination rules,abercrombie deutschland; injured examiner is in violation of regulations. Since it has been wrong, it is good to reflect on and correct the road of life, take a good future. Related articles: he has repeatedly said parties personally handled The text three students are not his real name

Note n°183  par iasyuifhssf le 23/03/2013 @ 15:26

donate species Giving Tree",abercrombie, a voluntary capacity, but to force the students to donate money,ãƒãƒ¼ãƒãƒªãƒ¼. In this regard, the school responded that the school does not force students to donate money,hollister, and has always stressed that voluntary contributions to the kinds of students reflect individual classes for comparisons ",アディダス サッカー, students donate money. "Obviously says voluntary,louboutin, squad leader,abercrombie france, but one by one to collect the money, and also had to pay!" Yesterday morning, the Beijing Construction Engineering College the Daxing campus students over reflect school Youth League organized the "donate kinds of love the tree Banmei new campus activities require students to to donate more than 5 yuan per person each class squad collection. Some students questioned said, "donors should belong to the voluntary acts of love, in this way,abercrombie, the school equivalent compulsory contributions." One student said the school Daxing campus has more than 1,ã‚¢ãƒã‚¯ãƒ­,700 people each donated 5 yuan, the total also nearly million. It is understood that the Beijing Construction Engineering College Youth League in early March this year, the organization the Daxing Campus, the two colleges, school students, the graduate will mobilize the majority of students to participate in the donated tree for the new campus activities. School Youth League website information, as of March 31, more than 3,200 students have participated in the activities,hollister. Yang said, the Daxing district office of the Beijing Construction Engineering College, the donated tree activities the schools are organized, someone donated a one or two hundred, was also donations to a thousand dollars, but the school has repeatedly stressed that voluntary contributions, the amount is not limited. Students questioned Yang said the mandatory contributions should be a problem in some classes propaganda,abercrombie shop, "may also be some classes out of competition, student contributions,ナイキ サッカー. Yang said, the the classes mandatory contributions, the school on class person in charge will be verified criticized. Beijing Municipal Education Commission staff, schools can organize the voluntary contributions, as long as within reasonable limits,hollister outlet. Beijing Construction Engineering College organized students to donate five yuan plant trees, within a reasonable range, subject to the premise of a voluntary. Board of Education currently no related penalties mandatory contributions to the school, students who encounter school compulsory contributions circumstances, may refuse to pay. Related articles: 4S shop employees steal a car repair customers fuel card cas Net posts, said developers and builders differences employed Man murder absconding, surrendered after persuasion by the p

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