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Note #592  by ederfeg1b 26/03/2013 @ 18:51

's family a number of communication to the authorities repeatedly reflected,hollister deutschland, but has not been resolved. Deng Wei,hogan outlet, said the brother of the owner of the tomb positive County Transportation Authority leadership. Deng Wei told reporters that their own old house in New Jersey, the village is an old wooden houses, land reform period, the house was divided out one-third of all by two other people. Housing in front of the open space is common to all three, the new grave tomb in front of the house is to live in the house Fengjiashan. "Tomb on the doorstep,hogan, and also a few steps away from the living room at home every day,abercrombie online shop, from this tomb passing, always felt blocking panic has affected other two normal life." Deng Wei told reporters that the tomb has become a hurdle that cross in the hearts of two people. "This thing, we have reflected the town and county departments, but the town and the county buck each,hollister deutschland, has not been resolved." Deng Wei told reporters: "The brother of the owner of the tomb is one of the County Transportation Bureau leadership,air jordan femme, design and construction of this tomb are his entire journey in responsible start to finish, and he did not come forward to say a word. "the reporter on this confirmation is County is County Propaganda Department staff expressed do not understand the matter, refused to comment on the matter,Two employees accidental death of someone in the incident to,hollister outlet. The regular County Transportation Authority office staff to lead the meeting, not an interview with reporters on the ground,Site migrant workers falling from height caused rebar inserted into the ear _ ne. The open space in front of the three, the use of any form of must solicit the views of everyone else, did not get the other two consent, can not be any punishment. "Guiyang City law firm Linghu welfare The reporter said, two other proceeding requirements for removal of obstacles to the court,oakley. Bury their dead in the doorway, the first violation of the funeral management approach,mulberry outlet,American 13-year-old progeria girl made video than, China has clearly funeral management approach generally required to take the cremation, some places in rural areas still take the burial, but also should be buried in the cemetery of the Government's central planning can not be casual burial,abercrombie outlet. "Zhou Jianyun Law School of Guizhou University of Finance and Economics,abercrombie, told reporters:" On the other hand, this approach also infringed neighboring rights, our law any person in the exercise of their rights on their own land, can not affect the adjacent others to exercise the right to use the open space in front of the house for three, even if the other two agreed to bury their dead, this is also a violation of neighboring rights. "" This approach is also to some extent or substandard customs, the neighborhood should abide by and protect public morals, and respect for each other. practice of burial of the deceased at the door, interested in the other two have been affected psychologically, is an immoral act. "Zhou Jianyun told reporters,louboutin. It is understood that the matter has caused to Zheng'an government attach great importance,mulberry. Deng Wei told reporters that the 16th Ann county government has arranged for the parties to resolve the matter in consultation,mulberry. (End)

Note #591  by w21gcs6741 26/03/2013 @ 18:50

'clock on the 18th, the 18-year-old Xiaowen participate in a finished classmates abroad farewell feast, a taxi back to the home where the Nanping the Rongqiao Wind Pro Chau cell door. After paying the money, the taxi to leave. She was ready to enter the cell through the zebra crossing to a sudden and unexpected. "I just left on the zebra crossing, a sport utility vehicle on fast from Rongqiao Interchange on open came straight into my car what hit, I know of only being left far, what other do not remember." Incident When the scene,louboutin, leaving only some vague impression Xiaowen mind now. But the incident loud impact of off-road vehicles, as well as her piercing screams, but alerted security Rongqiao Wind Pro Chau district entrance on duty. Xiao Wen's mother, Ms. Lee told reporters that security on the scene saw a leather shoes, lost in the zebra and down isolated from a few meters away in the middle of the road with a paralyzed Xiaowen. The ground was littered with bumpers and parts of the car colliding with debris, causing car had fled. "The children were unable to move,abercrombie deutschland, the exhaustion of the last effort to tell the security, saying that they are the owners after fainted, security alarm and call 120,hollister france." When I first saw her daughter,polo lacoste, she has to be carried to the ambulance stretcher. " property management soon notice Xiaowen mother, Ms. Lee heard the news immediately rushed to the cell door,mulberry outlet. "The children were profuse blood, how shouting do not cry promised." Alarm Traffic and Patrol Police immediately sealed off the scene, the car accident left over from the period of the bumper and paint away inspection. Children multiple fractures may affect fertility evening, after the city emergency center overnight rescue 7 o'clock in the morning of the 19th, Xiaowen finally regained consciousness, out of danger. 20, 2009, the Xiaowen transferred to Zhu orthopedic hospital for specialist treatment. Xiaowen doctor said the child was diagnosed concussion and multiple fractures of the left pubis, ischium of the pelvis and sacrum, etc., throughout the recovery time is estimated to take more than three months time. "Due to injuries to the pelvis, the doctor said that even if the child is recovered, the future may also affect fertility. College entrance examination this year, it is probably no way to participate." Talked about her daughter's condition, Ms. Lee bitter pill to swallow. Nanan District Patrol Detachment has been involved in the investigation of the accident, full hunting escape vehicle. Reporter Li Tian Shi Zongwei photographic coverage of the accident car bumper characteristics reported for the the white body left front should be a large area of ​​damage call the police phone: 62607910. You can also call the newspaper 966 988 hotline to provide clues. Search the accident models only 60 families of the city hanging a large amount of money the city "drivers hateful extremely butt after hit and run life and death in disregard of the injured, and I must find him!" Yesterday, Ms. Lee said the reporter will not hesitate to all costs to find the driver was heavily reward members of the public to provide the most valuable clues. Police sources, causing car models for Mitsubishi Pajero Sport sport utility vehicle bumper color white,hollister. Responsible for investigating this car accident hit and run incident in the city only in the models of more than 60 vehicles, the South Bank Patrol Detachment. Liu police officers, police investigators to Lee revealed that after the vehicle was left lying in the field for some bumper and paint inspection can now confirm that the vehicles Mitsubishi Pajero Sport sport utility vehicle, its bumper color is white car price In about three dozen million. The basic model has been established, the police immediately registered by logging vehicle networking inquiries, found the same model vehicles only within the scope of the main city of Chongqing,mulberry, more than 60 vehicles, target search further narrow the scope. Damage to the front of a car accident that seriously, according to the time of the incident Xiaowen of the station location, and after the doctor's diagnosis, preliminary has been able to determine that the vehicle is front crashed into the injured left loin, impact body bumper off. Such a big impact, and what parts of the body will be damaged "Is definitely the front, left front body, headlight position was too heavy." Two years of off-road vehicle driving experience of Mr. Lu According to the families of the injured described the car speed should be more than 60 kilometers, so quickly, if only to hit to a puppy, will cause huge damage to the car. "Relatively high body of off-road vehicles, in addition to known bumper off headlights, especially the left front lamp may crack, in addition to the front, left front body paint may come off." Mr,air jordan pas cher. Lu said. Investigation automotive re

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