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Note n°682  par wuhuxqu6355 le 27/03/2013 @ 02:05

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Note n°681  par tbeoya366 le 27/03/2013 @ 02:04

The big $25 billion DOE fund -- from which GM was planning to consume the lion share -- is intended to spur research and product development into alternative-energy vehicles,louis vuitton pas cher. Ford obtained almost $6 billion from the fund,vuitton pas cher. Nissan obtained $1,Abercrombie And Fitch France.4 billion,ray ban wayfarer pas cher, enough to put itself into the electric-car battery manufacturing business in Tennessee,ray ban pas cher. Upstarts Tesla Motors and Fisker Automotive are both using DOE funds to diversify into family cars,ray ban moins cher.Imagine,prix abercrombie, under normal circumstances,abercrombie femme, what GM might have done with $14 billion,louis vuitton sacs pas cher.That would have financed a lot of research,ray ban lunettes, product development, engine designs, new materials, factory production lines and tooling costs -- all in the United States, in accordance with DOE rules. It difficult to believe that GM will now spend anywhere near that much on alternative-vehicle programs out of its own pocket. articles connexes: http://guildebest.free.fr/guestbk.php http://espoirboxingcsa402.free.fr/guestbk.php http://auberge.st.georges.free.fr/guestbk.php

Note n°680  par chufan8755 le 27/03/2013 @ 02:04

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Note n°679  par yihand548 le 27/03/2013 @ 02:04

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Note n°678  par chyxzbe393 le 27/03/2013 @ 02:03

The process of slaying a vampire has been documented in many books/TV series and films but relatively few have looked at the actual chemistry behind the process,sacs tods. While the results of slaying a vampire vary there is a general consensus that when a vampire is slain the body is turned in the grey or brown substance frequently called dust. There are many ways of slaying vampires but for now let us fix on the method of getting a vampire in contact with "Holy water,Mercurial Vapor." since holy water doesn't react with vampire dust this can be assumed to be un reactive,tods chaussures. However when a vampire is exposed to holy water it catches fire,chaussures hommes tods prix. one requiring energy is called and endothermic reaction),Nike Mercurial Vapor. So the chemicals involved can be called as follows vampire ions:- Vmp- (solid) H+ (aqueous solution) Dst (s)Using these symbols we can construct a formula:-2Vmp- (s) + H+ (aq) = Dst (s) + a great quantity of energy This is a very simple process although notice the 2Vmp- ions required,tod's homme. This is because as have been observed that when a large quantity of holy water is used not all the holy water is used up, also it has been observed that it only takes a vial or similar vessel to consume a vampire,nike mercurial pas cher. The holy water cannot be treated a catalyst as a) some is clearly used up in the process and b) a catalyst speeds a reaction by lower activation energy which would mean that some of the vampire would be turning into dust even at the microscopic level all the time,chaussures Mercurial Vapor, and since vampire live for millennia at a time this can clearly not be the case as the older vampires would have turned into dust,adidas f50. a source of energy can also set the reaction going so it is possible that the reaction is merely a decomposition which takes and EXTREAMLY long time. In any case this require further experimentation,tods femme. So if water can contain holy ions (H+) it can assumed that people do as well,mercurial vapor. Dali Lama (Dm+) or The Pope (Pp+). Since these constituents are a channelling of power,adidas training football, they will have undergone some dilution in the process so more a require for a successful reaction,mercurial nike. Experiments have shown that 25 is a rough figure to use,Mercurial Vapor Pas Cher. So 25 Archbishops of Canterbury (Abc+) are require to turn one vampire into dust. Vmp- (s) + 25Abc+ (s) = Dst (s) No visible energy releaseSo lets now add a catalyst in to this experiment lets use the classic catalyst the stake. This can be any piece of wood and has to be applied the heart of a vampire. This is similar to the "lock and key" method of enzymes which are catalyst found in many important reactions in the world. The method is described as a a "lock and key" because its very similar to a key being used to unlock a door. The stake will need to be applied to a specific place on the vampire to activate the reaction. A catalyst will lower the activation energy of the reaction, or in simpler terms increase the chance of a successful collision of Archbishop of Canterbury and vampire. So a new formula can be derived:-Vmp- (s) + 20Abc+ (s) = Dst (s)As you can see there is little reaction in the number of Archbishops of Canterbury required. This is because although a stake is a catalyst it is not very good one, for better results other catalysts such a holy water gun or flame thrower should be used. Although there has been little experimentation due to the rare nature as a pure vampire sample this research has managed to explain some of the chemistry behind the destruction vampires and hopefully it will provide aid for people in the future should they need it.http://www.occhialidasoleraybanshop.info and http://www.delongchamptaschenonline.info Related articles: order placement and payment procedures. boutiquemercuri according to the spokesperson. boutiquemercurialnike.in 6. Remember boutiquemercurialnike.info

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