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Note #992  by zazoecpzrm 27/03/2013 @ 07:44

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Note #991  by zazoecpzrm 27/03/2013 @ 07:43

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Note #990  by Thomas91y64 27/03/2013 @ 07:40

Yesterday, the Sina and all health network of microblogging, live Wu Juping the condition. MUMBAI Letters 19 Website launched an investigation, if you are in the field, you will like and Wu Juping stepped forward to catch niu? afternoon, view the party secretary of the Alibaba Group Shao Xiaofeng Wu Juping bring a recording - a mother into Alibaba Customer Service to find Wu Juping: yesterday morning 13:12 yesterday, the famous actress Zhao Wei forwarding and comment the microblogging: afternoon, Gu Jianbing receive Express interview, explaining the two incentives to how to implement - the niu mother and I have been thinking about going to see Miss Wu really get away, but the hospital, two elderly night sleeping in the hospital, two of us going to stand and we how to thank her, can not be overstated, she saved our niu her niu benefactor, we couple benefactor abercrombie... I wish niu good together, our whole family to bring niu go to see the Wu know the aunt saved her aunt, niu, niu but do not know when to wake up ... niu want to wake up Wu father rickets in the back, looked out the window. Wu mother hanging hands, and stood stiffly. Wu Juping a slight frown, silent. > while in the the Wu Juping care niu, there are many strangers, but also worried about her children. Jiaxing Municipal Propaganda Department Vice Minister Wang said, helping others, these are the traditional Chinese virtues. we want to promote the social civilization fashion louboutin pas cher. a great impact, resulting in multi-segment of the left hand ulnar fractures, arm function of whether the recovery is still unknown. At this time, the Wu Juping colleagues carried in a large cardboard box, probably hundreds of colorful paper cranes. Paper cranes which means friends @ the sea side of the people gave me the message: see the warmest comments, someone asked the child needs breast milk? The help Mangwen hollister france? @ Lily words mom, she and I do not know. reading this micro-Bo Wu Juping looked up toward the ceiling, said: , so many rewards, really not suited to some. room is very quiet. classmate Chen Zhiyan approached a warm hug hollister, said: provincial outstanding graduates, this girl is particularly straightforward. As of yesterday afternoon abercrombie, 3 o'clock, a total of 907 users participated in the vote, the vast majority of people choose to reach out to save the next niu 726 users select the 80% of the total; 31 users selected , accounting for 17% ... she said: ordinary people still have to return to the lives of ordinary people welcome to comment I want to mother: niu, my mother called my father to hold, the Awu destroyed, good bad? Yesterday 12:03 Alibaba Ministry of the public to communicate with customers Director of Gu Jianbing a Sina microblogging: came in an interview with the media more and more Changqiangduanbao front Wuju Ping, her forehead bangs gradually soaked with sweat. we decided to first conservative treatment, the use of traditional Chinese manipulative reduction. If the bone is healing well, and then consider surgery. Manipulative reduction benefits of trauma and to avoid surgical infections, but also conducive to patient recovery, the pain is relatively small. hero mother Wu Juping received 200,000 yuan moved Ali Award karen millen uk, forwarded to the niu, niu most 2011-07-05 mother: Mom and Dad here, you are not afraid, mother hug, Dad hug louboutin. My mother sing a song to listen to you Oh ... microblogging recommended | today's microblogging hot ( Editor: SN021) ... @ Lily words the mother's wish to convey Wu Juping. She said excitedly: Thank you for your kindness. owner to come in a lot of people. The two first came to Wu Juping surprised the teacher and students of her school in Jiaxing Vocational Technical College. colleagues Qianzhi paste on the wall, Wu Juping stopped them, treatment program told Wu Juping, she said: said: ah child, tenacious ah, aunt to help you once more, this time to rely on your own. father: niu not afraid, come niu. father: niu take up Come on, a small bag to take it back it. niu is still in a state of deep coma. Niu's serious brain damage, all the reactions are zero, including the stimulation of pain with acupuncture, the patient felt no pain. But the good news is that niu's vital signs stable than yesterday, stable blood pressure slowly, no longer drop down, respiratory function improved. , I rushed to the Fuyang Orthopedics Hospital on the way, received a doctor calls: open the door - us how to thank her, can not be overstated 13:00 yesterday and more niu's father in the stairwell stopped to me. Five successor experie

Note #989  by Eileen2x881 27/03/2013 @ 07:37

■ rescue hollister deutschland 13:05, rescue workers according to the presence of Asian elephant experts suggest, to give up scheduled narcotic relief programs. Armed forest police armed escort, down to the bottom. Beat the elephants who cut bamboo, more than 10 minutes of repeated stimulation, the elephants finally regained consciousness. more than four hours after the elephants to restore strength, began along the bottom slowly into the depths of the forest towards the big transition Kong tea plantation in the direction of 15 teams. 1:00 pm 02 sub-rescue workers braved the rain arrived at the site of the incident Lengshuiqing rescue injured elephants. ■ site ● February 18 at 12 noon, found in the bottom of more than 90 meters away from the fight scene Lengshuiqing injured lying on the ground of the elephants. night 8:16, the treatment group quickly place according to plan the implementation of the ambulance. Shooters armed with a tranquilizer gun, with the cover of the woods and elephants in front of police shouting quietly detour to less than 15 meters away from the elephants pull the trigger. As soon as Cui Xiang, anesthesia bomb hit elephants buttocks, and launched into elephants in vivo anesthetic dose due to the dark, dense forests, coupled with insufficient resulting in the rescue fails. After receiving the report, the relevant departments of the Xishuangbanna Forestry Administration, State Agency for Nature Conservation, State Forest Public Security Bureau immediately held an emergency meeting, the establishment of the ambulance headquarters polo ralph lauren. Deployed more than 50 people to form a rescue team, 1:02 rain rushed to the site of the incident Lengshuiqing. ● 9:45 late, after a half-hour search, tracking, rescue workers and injured elephants found in the corn field about 1 hogan.5 km away from the space six teams. Rescue personnel armed with anesthesia blowpipe into the corn, and injured elephants to deal with. fixed group immediately rushed to the chains will bind its place, the treatment group rapidly in accordance with the measurement of the 28 adults on a good injection of its implementation of anti-bacterial anti-inflammatory infusion therapy louboutin, and at 10:50 minutes to complete the injection wake-up back to Su Ling. 11:05 This is the first Archduke like ambulance officers drag abercrombie paris, help, full access to the wake state to stand up. the afternoon, the rescue headquarters again organizing a number of team personnel rushed to the big transition Kong tea plantation 15 teams, and await the treatment of elephants. affected by the arid climate, elephants group in early February this year, early out of the forest foraging. February 18 at 10 am hollister france, the villagers living in Jinghong City, crossing Gangxiang Guan Ping village space six teams Yuan Shuping, suddenly heard the protected areas on the ridge to send a burst of terrible elephants roaring sound. Into the jungle, Yuan Shuping roaring elephants more and more, and heard a huge bang sound of the collision, it seems that elephants group in the fight. Yuan Shuping immediately pulled out his cellphone to report the matter to the Nature Reserve, Meng Yang management. After more than four hours of rest, elephants to recuperate, the 15 team direction toward the crossing Kong farms along the bottom slowly into the depths of the forest. prevent coma injured elephants are secondary damage, ambulance headquarters, according to the presence of Asian elephant experts suggest, to give up the narcotic relief program. Rescue personnel in the armed forest police armed escort, down to the bottom, rope sets in ivory, the crowd pulled the rope with hard, trying to elephants pull up from the ground. Can be more than 50 people to try to gas, the body weighing about four tons, the Grand Duke as still motionless. At this time, four experienced Wild Elephant Valley, the Asian elephant breeding base staff, bamboo, beat the elephants body finally regained consciousness after 10 minutes of repeated stimulation, the head of elephants. ● night 8:16 karen millen uk, injured elephants into the best firing position. Each treatment group in place quickly, the anesthesia bomb hit the elephants hip, but because of the dark, dense forests, and launched into the elephants in vivo anesthetic dose resulting in not enough to rescue failed. worrying when rescue workers arrived on the scene, near Lengshuiqing elephants group calls of this flared up ralph lauren, the ridge of the jungle in shaking the presence of elephants, the slightest mistake, rescue workers may have been the attack of the elephants group. mouth blowing success of anesthesia, infusion elephants group roar shaking the valley 9 49 points abercrombie, Paul Mingwei aimed at an opportunity decisively picked up the blowpipe

Note #988  by usayufihsd 27/03/2013 @ 07:32

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