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Note n°1032  par id4j97x8rl le 27/03/2013 @ 09:40

's "worst of the stock market". 117 stocks China survey interviewed by reporters last week found 2012 investors generally losses iron nails. 92% loss to investors, the market value of more than 35% of the investors were cut. Full year market indeed as investors Mr,abercrombie. Yuan Jin said, "stocks this year,louboutin, more speculation and more bitter. Surface of people laugh, secretly swallowed grievances,oakley lunettes. I voted 290,tory burch,000, did not look at the account, there are about 13 million in 2012 least it should do - stocks well-known short ghost shrouded market this year, the introduction of margin trading and stock index futures, the end of the A-share bulls unilateral profit model. There are indications that this year's A-share short speculators to make good use of bad or become a big winner. The professional investors big Yang told reporters lamented A shares short era of survival of the fittest, investors profit model is facing subversion transformation,abercrombie france. Bulls thinking investors to be careful,abercrombie france, do not change the "play",oakley, and left to die. In stock index futures short to make money under the new rules of the game,hollister, the institutions controlled by the control of a certain percentage of the float caps the profit model of stock price movements,mulberry, has become more and more difficult,longchamp, also increasing the risk of small investors chasing high strong stocks to win the post large. Secondly,burberry pas cher, the profit model is more diverse and complex,air jordan, and the use of various financial instruments will make the price trend is more complex, which will give investors in understanding the market and take on the transactions to increase a lot more difficult,air jordan pas cher. The relative retail investors helplessness, a small number of large start looking for new profit model,ray ban, such as stock index futures, margin trading, bulk transactions to bail out. "Money Weekly" Related articles: 's house jumping they have nowhere to seek to ease the way is also justified. The original villagers told reporters that

Note n°1031  par ederfeg1b le 27/03/2013 @ 09:36

'clock on the 13th, Liu Fang still dreaming, Liu Mom pushed open the door. Liu Fang pulling angle retorted: "do not trouble trouble." You again so inconsistent with your dad and I will help you arranged a blind date. "Yet she is also rude. The parents play hardball let see "made small" on the 13th night, Liu father hummed back. The door, put my mom dragged to the kitchen, mutter not'd rather have a root canal. "Fang said. Dinner time,mulberry, Liu Fang father came to understand why so pleased,louboutin. "Turned out to be the next-door neighbor's son came back from Beijing,hogan, I told the boy are made smaller, he is one year older than me,Some foreign pregnant women that have never heard of radiati,hogan, I heard also a 'bachelor'." Fang said, two very good relationship, a child I often hear both sides the parents to child marriages. "I did not feel." Liu Fang a parents have arranged to meet the idea,hollister deutschland, and quickly back into the house to go play on the computer,hogan outlet. Can not stand the nagging girls "fled" the 14th all day, Liu Fang, apart from eating, nest in the house playing computer. "My parents like 'Highlighting' like them a little while for individuals desiring have to arrange for the two of us to meet." Toss most of the day, Liu Fang to take advantage of their parents are out, leaving a note, you buy a ticket to return to school a. Experts: parents and children often communicate reporter consulted a psychological treatment agencies in Changchun Liu,hogan outlet, he believes that this phenomenon mainly due to a lack of communication between parents and children. "As a child, to the love of old, but I still did not move, this time should be allowed parents to understand their own state and situation as a parent, you should understand the idea of ​​the child in a timely manner,hollister, to see their children's efforts in this regard to reduce anxiety,abercrombie online shop, more choice to the children at the same time. "Liu said. Liu suggested that college students learn cultural lessons while in school, but also should focus on training the quality of their social skills, social adaptability, emotional control and other aspects of learn adult, adult language to deal with the problem in the adult world. Winter vacation home for the holiday, if you come across parents "forced pro experience,Difficulties students receiving bursaries were asked to pay, how you resolve,abercrombie outlet, call 88488949 talk with us. ■ Dialogue Liu Mu Reporter: Why anxious to let Liu Fang love it Liu mother: her dad and I think her New Year on the 27-year-old, and have to wait for fate, the non-left women not. Reporter: When did you start to worry about Fang "big" Mrs. Liu: boy at her before, although outsiders, but her dad and I all came to Italy. I did not expect the last two broke up, and since then, we began to worry. Reporter: with Fang telephone also often talking this thing Mrs,mulberry outlet. Liu: Liu Fang school not too far away from home, but the fewer the number of her home, two on the phone,hollister, I can only nagging. Every time she says busy learning do not have time to, ah, no matter how busy taking the time to find the object. Reporter: this is how it happened Mrs. Liu: boy next door, like Liu Fang is also a single,abercrombie, two or rounds of small, age is like unto it, her dad and I wondered arrangements for two people to see a face, into the fragmentation to say, I did not expect that she will run away from home. Reporter: Liu Fang this If you come back,louboutin, you will also love things nagging her Mrs. Liu: I do not force her,The woman jumping Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge Down bufferin, after this kind of thing by her call the shots when the staff is not enough, I gave her this Assistant Reporter Li Xiong

Note n°1030  par fghfg69yj le 27/03/2013 @ 09:30

's Congress." On January 25, the opening of Zhejiang Province, the second session of the National People's Congress meeting,hollister uk. Acting Governor Li Qiang, stressed in his government work report in 2013, Zhejiang Province, one of the main tasks is to promote industrial restructuring and upgrading, and the sustained and healthy economic development ". The primary task of which is "effective investment", as described in the Report on the Work of the Government, including the implementation of the green channel for the promotion of private investment and implementation details of the launch of the second batch of large private capital-oriented projects,hollister online shop, the establishment of private investment in major projects '' to promote private investment and rapid growth,negotiations for five years. " The development of private enterprises as the main body of the private investment, triggered a heated debate among delegations,sac longchamp. Group discussion in the afternoon, the government report, Xia Baolong participate in a the Lishui group's deliberations. The the Zhejiang deputies, party secretary, chairman and president of the Nice Group Zhuang Qichuan Xia Baolong questions,mulberry, Zhejiang developed economy,hollister deutschland, but the champion of the little things, and some of the private economy,longchamp, is the country's largest strongest but a few years , Why are small and medium-sized private enterprises to go down, but the days of the large state-owned enterprises could hang better "Chong Kai Chuan stressed that the government should open up the channel development of private enterprises,hollister, enabling them to independent innovation, bigger and stronger. Specifically,air jordan, Chong Kai Chuan recommended that the government work report in Zhejiang Province should determine the "new 36" Rules, "Zhejiang in this regard should come to the forefront of the country,satellite navigation, some enterprises have the money to invest, do not go out,hollister, but there are also a lot of corporate money. not match the same time, the venue of the CPPCC Zhejiang Provincial Economic consideration of the Report on the Work of the Government,said that the system can not find out, all the members is have published opinions. The Zhejiang Branch Yu Ling pointed out, a large number of corporate banking afraid to give loans, and hope that the Government will improve the factor markets, active capital. Venturing Investment Management Co,abercrombie., Ltd. Chairman Chen Yuemeng also stressed that at this stage of private enterprises still face heavy taxes,hollister, investment and financing difficulties. Group Lishui in Zhejiang Province People's Congress, Xia Baolong bluntly "36" in places difficult to implement practical reasons. "For example, the issuance of government bonds, due to the low rate of return, and large private enterprises prefer to SME lending is not willing to bid for government bonds, the Wenzhou city government now faced with this problem. Consideration of the private enterprises is not wrong, are profit-driven capital,air jordan pas cher. "said Xia Baolong, Zhejiang Province level has been pondering how to attract private capital in infrastructure construction, transformation and upgrading, technological innovation, water conservancy and other fields requires a lot of investment,hollister online shop, this two-day Zhoushan Islands District Planning approved the less the trillions of investment to, the key is. "who voted him to the private entrepreneurs out of the title," a hard look at some, the government should develop what policies the companies are willing to put into it,hollister. "

Note n°1029  par ejsu02wn le 27/03/2013 @ 09:27

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Note n°1028  par afor23sts le 27/03/2013 @ 09:24

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